Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I'm reading another brain type book and there was a section about languages and I saw the word "boum" which triggered a middle school memory! of watching this wacky teen movie in seventh grade French class called "La Boum". So now I'm on a mission to find it. 
"transformations and attacks"
Also, Breaking News!: shoppers find bags of cocaine in purchased green peppers
Also, some advice: Don't tame foxes because they will stop looking and acting like foxes
, This was proved by science
Also, FYI, the photo directly below is in the German Department Store!!! Seriously have you ever seen anything creepier than toilet seat covers decorated with weeping theater masks? FYI we had to go traipsing around Hamburg looking for blankets our first day there and it felt like some Twilight Zone Scavenger Hunt. Eventually we found our way to, of course, Ikea.

1 comment:

L V said...

I totally thought that that picture was from an art installation.