Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Endless Summer part 1

I just got back from Petaluma. We went camping somewhere north of there with the Veit extended family etc. We went swimming in the Russian River and it was the best thing I've done this summer so far... so here's to upping the ante. There were rocks to jump off of, not super high but fun nontheless. We all learned how to dive. Also, we saw people tubing and they looked like a human sub-species so I'm glad we didn't do it. Also, there was this black girl with a giant wolf tattoo (frontal view) on her back and also Mickey Mouse shorts on so she was pretty much my hero of the day. I got an earache that almost ruined everything but it went away and we ate hot dogs and played police sketch artist, exquisite hippy corpse, "catchphrase", set, and other card games. It was super fun. Before we went camping me and Stewart watched lots of My So Called Life and ate Flaming Hot Funyons which are surprising delightful. If I am judgmental and mean I will get preggers so I am definitely curbing it these days.

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