Sunday, June 1, 2008

Bike Adventure

I rode my bike to Green Apple Books today and traded in some books for "25 Cats Name Sam... & Holy Cats by Andy Warhol's Mother".  Hooray!  A middle aged lady, veering towards gothicness, told me I had a strong aura and wouldn't I like a psychic reading.  The Richmond is ethnic in a far more interesting way than the Mission.  I  also window shopped a fish store and a plant store.  In two separate incidents I almost crashed into dogs off their leash. One was a small yappy looking white precious dog and the other a Golden Retreiver.  So I am right that those are two of the dumbest kinds of dogs.  Why would an animal swerve right into the path of a large, swiftly moving wheeled contraption?  Don't they have survival instincts?  

UPDATE: Sorry if that sounded mean, dogs.  ALSO: I bought Pocky at the Chinese Supermarket, then played with a cat named Monkey at the nursery.  How serendipitous!!!???!!!

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