Thursday, May 8, 2008

Yesterday Stewart came down and we did the rest of my acid. It had somehow gotten wet ??!!? and therefore didn't work very well, but enough to have a really good adventure at the botanical garden. I looked up "wet acid" on the internet. "Wait - you got acid on your tab?"  We biked to the park and wandered around for a long time. There were lots and lots of crazy looking plants. I liked this part called "Primitive Plants". There was also a bamboo forest like in Hidden Daggers to shimmy up and we got good long sticks that we dragged on the ground like insect pets. Also I touched three squirrels heads with my stick. We were looking for a tree that smelled like banana, and we happened to have a banana in Stewart's backpack, so I took it out and it led us to the tree, FOR REALS. I am not kidding. Except the tree smelled like pineapple instead. Also there was a mystery involving a small child, a 12-year old girl, and a teenage Filipino lesbian - we couldn't figure out who the mommy was. When we got home we made green onion pancakes and they were so yummy.

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